Friday, July 26, 2013

Interview with CANS

This Is Pop Punk Promotions with an Interview with CANS.
Interview by: Branden Whitehead

Cans is a pop punk band that formed recently a month ago, you can check out their music here,

TIPPP- How long has CANS been a band and how did you guys come together?

CANS- CANS is quite new therefore we only are an active band for 1 month now. We all knew each other before as we all live in the same town and shared the stage with different bands we played in, or we were all going out on a Friday night and got leathered. We all share the same passion for making music so we thought we start a band and that happened like 1 month ago.

TIPPP- We saw that you guys are from Australia, how is the local scene there and is it hard to make it as a band?

CANS- Haha, actually we are from Austria not Australia, people tend to make this mistake very often. The scene is pretty good, at least where we are from. There are a lot of local shows you can attend and the bands really try to promote other bands too so you really get this feeling of community you know.

TIPPP- How would you say your music is different and makes CANS unique aside from other bands?

CANS- To be honest, at this early stage that we are in I don’t think we really stand out from other bands as we still have to find our own sound you know? We have a lot of influences and try to make the best of a song by combining certain elements we’ve heard here and there. We’re just having fun playing and that’s what it’s all about I think.

TIPPP- You recently released a 2 song demo titled 420. How has the release for it been going so far?

CANS- Yeah we’ve recorded two songs at our friend Fred’s basement. “Teenwolves” is actually the first song we’ve ever written. Response has been awesome so far, we are still overwhelmed by all the positive feedback we're earning.

TIPPP- What has CANS been up to recently (tour,shows,recording,etc.)?

CANS- Nothing really as we are a band for only 1 month now. We’ve recorded our first demo 420 and that’s it haha.

TIPPP- What should we expect from CANS in the near future?

CANS- 420 was the first recording we did, maybe we’ll record a couple more songs and make some physical copies, but there’s no need to rush, as we want to take all the time we need to make these next songs more varied and ambitious as the previous ones.
There will also be a lot of shows as we really just wanna hit the road and play every gig we can.

 TIPPP- What’s CANS favorite thing to do as a band beside playing music?

CANS- Go Skate and Smoke Weed haha.

TIPPP- What has been your favorite show you’ve guys played?

CANS- We haven’t played a show yet unfortunately so I can’t tell you. But our favourite show we’d like to play would be Support for Title Fight and The Story So Far in a sold out venue somewhere in New Zealand, man that would be sweet!

TIPPP-The worst show you guys have played?

CANS- Again I can only assume that the worst show we’re going to play will have something to do with a lot of alcohol and drugs before the show and a lot of puking during the show! Does this sound weird?

 TIPPP- Anything else you would like to mention or say?

CANS- Check out our demo, download it, share it, go skate with it, smoke a bowl to it - just have fun with it!
Stay posi, 420.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Flip The Scene Interview

    This is Pop Punk Promotions with an interview with Flip The Scene.
Interview by: Branden Whitehead

 Flip The Scene is a pop punk band that formed in late 2012, check out their music here and drop them a like!

TIPPP-Where are you guys from and what type of music do you play? 

FTS- We’re from Hopewell Junction, New York, and we play pop punk.

TIPPP-What sets you aside from other bands and makes Flip The Scene unique? 

FTS- I (Will, lead guitarist) feel that compared to more current bands, the sound of a majority of our songs leans towards early 2000's pop punk.

TIPPP-How has the past releases gone for Elm Street and Say Anything? 

FTS- We probably have gotten around 30 downloads total for the two songs. Not a lot, but we’re a small band, so any kind of support means alot to us. But just having professionally recorded music out for people to hear is cool enough for us.

TIPPP-What has FTS been up to recently (shows,tour,recording, etc.)?

FTS- We’ve played various shows in our area and are continuing to do so. We are always open to play shows in the NY-CT area! On top of that, we’ve been writing songs.

TIPPP-I heard you guys were writing a new ep, tell us about that? 

FTS- Well, besides Elm Street and Say Anything, we have maybe 6 or 7 songs. I’d say two of those songs, Susan Glenn and I’m A Ghost are musically and lyrically some of our best work so far. Don’t know how to explain the ep, there’s no details yet. Just know it’s going to be hopefully recorded this fall and will be upbeat and fun!

TIPPP-What should we expect from FTS in the near future? Besides the new ep. 

FTS- We’re actually filming a music video for Elm Street with Brandon Fiege Media, which is about halfway done filming-wise. We also have plans to record some acoustic songs as a little release before we get to our first EP, but we’re not sure if that’ll come through.

TIPPP-What are some things you enjoy doing as a band outside of playing music? 

FTS- Chris (guitarist and vocalist) likes to bully me, if that counts. We like to play Super Smash Bros a lot and any other Nintendo party games. Long walks on the beach and feeding ducks in the park are good pastimes too.

TIPPP-What is the best show you’ve ever played before? 

FTS- We got the opportunity to play with Real Friends on July 11th. My strap broke during our set, which bummed me the fuck out, but we had a huge crowd and we performed really well. And on top of that, we even got to play with one of the coolest bands in pop punk right now, so in the end, it was an awesome night.

TIPPP-What is the worst show you’ve ever played before? 

FTS- We had a show two days after that Real Friends show, it was Farewell To Fairview’s CD release show. The night before it, our singer Dean, had a huge hangout for his birthday and we were all running on no sleep for that show. We played to almost an empty venue, so I guess it’s good no one caught us at a bad time, haha.

TIPPP-Favorite experience so far about being in a band?

FTS- Well, for me, I’ve been wanting to make music as long as I can remember, so this is like a dream come true. Of course, it’s not being an overnight success like I’ve always imagined, but playing shows, writing songs, and meeting new people are all amazing and honestly probably more fun than my young imagination.

TIPPP-Anything else you would like to say or mention? 

FTS- Are name drops allowed? If so, peep Inflicted (killer pop punk), Impostor (sweet electronic music), Framework Photography (awesome pictures). They’re all awesome people and great friends of ours who are super talented at what they do.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Interview with "When It Counts

When It Counts is a Pop Punk band from Staten Island , New York that formed in 2010. Check out their tunes here

TIPPP- How long has When It Counts been a band? And where are you guys from?

WIC- We’ve been playing music together in some way shape or form since July 2010. We’re all from Staten Island, New York.

TIPPP- How did the members of WIC come together to form the band?

WIC- We all met each other in our high school’s marching band, and one day me (Will) mike and nick got together to jam as a joke. We kept doing it and decided to take it seriously.

TIPPP- What type of music would you say you play? And what makes it different and sets you aside as unique from other bands?

WIC- We’re a pop punk band, that’s the best way to classify it. As for what makes it different, I’d say that the guitars in our songs are heavier than you’d expect for a band like us. We all listen to a lot of metal and heavier music and it’s definitely an influence on us.

TIPPP- How did the release for your debut EP The Same Old Story go?

WIC- Amazing. We released it online about a month before the EP release show in March and we’ve gotten such a great response. People are really digging it. We worked really hard writing and recording it so seeing people really enjoy it is the greatest feeling. We had it streamed on and a couple of other sites picked up on it and reviewed it, like Punktastic and this random Japanese blog. I don’t understand what they said about it but we got an 8.3 of 10 so i’ll take it.

TIPPP- What has When It Counts been up to recently? (shows,tour,recording, etc.)

WIC- We’ve been playing a couple shows and they’ve been great. We recently played with Real Friends in Manhattan and that went awesome, we were the first band on but still had a great crowd. We’re leaving for tour august 3rd, with our friends in One Fell Swoop and Scoutmaster Jack, and we’re currently writing a follow up to TSOS.

TIPPP- You guys told us you are actually leaving for tour August 3rd, tell us about what you hope to achieve on tour?

WIC- We just wanna play shows to new people and see places we’ve never been to before.

TIPPP- Are there any specific things When It Counts is looking forward to on tour?

WIC- We’re playing a fest in Long Island with our buddies in Firestarter along with the guys in Nice Shot, Kid, Random Holiday, Batten Down The Hatches, and This Is Your Life. We haven’t gotten the chance to play with a lot of these bands yet but we dig their stuff and are really excited to meet and play with them. We’re also REALLY excited to eat at Cook Out in North Carolina. We’ve heard it’s incredible.

TIPPP- What's the bands favorite thing to do outside of music?

WIC- As you can probably tell, we love our food. So eating’s a big thing. We like to hang out, watch hockey and football, play video games, BBQ, party, and look at weird shit on the Internet.

TIPPP- Are you friends with the other bands you're touring with?

WIC- Hell yeah. We love OFS and Scoutmaster. We’ve played a lot with Swoop this summer and they’re the nicest guys in the world, super talented musicians, and so much fun to hang out with. We haven’t gotten to hang out with Scoutmaster Jack as much, but when we do it’s always a lot of fun. They’re awesome, and fucking hysterical. Their new record has a DOPE hip hop track on it.

TIPPP- Should we be looking for anything in the near future from When It Counts after tour?

WIC- We’re always writing new music, so be on the lookout for any mention of new tunez!

TIPPP- Is there anything else you would like to mention or say?

WIC- For real, support local music and local bands. They need your support to stay alive, so go to their shows, buy merch, share their music with your friends, slap their stickers up wherever you can, and spread the word about them. It means the world to them.