Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thieves - Colorchange EP Review

                  I'd never heard of Thieves until they contacted me regarding their latest EP, but after asking around it turns out they actually have quite a few fans in my town. I also once had a teacher who spent a moderate amount of time talking shit on the state of Texas, but these guys could definitely take her. Thieves most recent release is a thirteen minute spin of pleasure and grace. The Colorchange EP was released on 90 Five Records and production-wise, came out flawlessly. Music wise, I can't find anything to complain about. There is enough variety throughout the five tracks to keep you involved, but the band is very definitely planted in their genre. Genre hopping/stretching works for some bands (Brand New) and not for others (most everyone else), but Thieves know who they are, and are confident in it. This is a band I would actually like to see live, and maybe have them sing me to sleep.

  • Thieves (Austin, Texas)
  • For fans of: With The Punches, Stickup Kid, Hawthorne Heights
  • Colorchange EP
  • Favorite Track: Colorchange
  • 4.5/5

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Infinite Singal - "Nox Opus" Album Review

       Today I come to you with a review of Infinite Signal’s full length “Nox Opus”. “Why?” you ask. Well, because it’s my job, and with great music comes great responsibility. But I digress, this trio out of Minneapolis not only came to me for a review, but they ended up playing in my town as well on tour supporting this new album. Everything about this band screams “I grew up to [2004 pop punk band].” And while the band may not necessarily be doing anything progressively mind-blowing, what they are doing – they are doing well. The album has a smooth sense of alternating between lyrically packed fast songs (Z-word) to slower ones that get you in the feelings (The Sounding Line). Altogether, I don’t have anything negative to say about the album, but it’s nothing ground breaking either. It’s good, and very well written and performed, but it might not amaze you.

  • Infinite Signal (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 
  • For fans of: New Found Glory
  • Full Length Release
  • Favorite Track: The Sounding Line
  • 2.5/5.