How long has Storyteller been a band?
Me, our Guitarist (Mason) and our Bassist (Nathan) have been in previous versions of this band since 2010, under different names. We kicked Nathan out at one point and we didn't have any other members so it was just me and Mason looking for a lineup and then we met Alex and he joined the band as our second guitarist and we had these other two dudes on Bass and Drums and that's when we changed the name to Storyteller. That started around august 2012. We let Nathan back in and Kyle joined the band to shred drums early 2013. We've only really been taking things seriously since we've had this current lineup, which came early 2013.
How’d you guys get the name Storyteller?
It's after a Such Gold song. Such Gold rules.
Where are you guys from?
We all live in the Swansea area of South Wales but me and the bassist are from England and our Guitarist was born in Australia so we're not really a Welsh band.
How is the scene in your area?
For our kind of music, pretty much non-existent.
What would you guys say that makes your band different from every other band?
I'd like to think we have our own sound. I couldn't tell you exactly what that sound is, but a lot of bands out there seem like they're trying their hardest to be just like their favourite band and I'd like to think that wasn't the case with us.
How did Storyteller come about as a band?
Well the majority of the local scene is just Hardcore and Metalcore, which is fine if you're into that, but we were all bored of the local shows only consisting of that, I think. We all wanted to play music, and we didn't like what the current local scene had to offer. (Don't get me wrong, there are a few really sic bands in South Wales)
What are your influences?
How have the shows you guys have played gone?
We did a couple self run house shows that I'd say were probably the most enjoyable we've played. It was mostly just our friends at those. We played a show with Me vs Hero. That was cool. Otherwise they've been fairly bad, high hopes for the new year.
What are your current favorite bands?
We all like new the Balance and Composure record a lot. My favourite artist is Into it. Over it. and Mason basically just listens to Gnarwolves. Me and Alex listen to Mac Miller a lot when when we smoke. Turnstile rule. None of us really listen to Pop Punk all that much anymore, we mostly jam stuff like Title Fight, Touche Amore, B&C, American Football etc.
What has the response been like for your single Commonplace?
It's been pretty sick so far. Releasing our first bit of proper content has been exciting for all of us. We get a lot of people hearing our single and asking where they can hear more, which is awesome, even though we gotta tell them they can't, haha. It's cool because I think people who maybe might not have taken us seriously as a band before have a different perspective on us now.
What would your perfect show lineup be?
Slayer and us.
What has Storyteller been up to in the last couple of months? (Shows,tour,recording,ect.)
We released our Music Video/single (obviously)! We played a sweet halloween show. Otherwise we've been mostly just writing and writing and recording Demos.
What does Storyteller have planned for 2014? (Shows,tour,recording,ect.)
7" and Weekender tours.
When can we expect new songs?
April/May seems fairly likely.
What has been the craziest experience you’ve had on the road together?
Technically we haven't been on tour, because we've only played one off shows since we've been a band. But talking about the road LITERALLY, me and Alex have tons of breakdown stories. Look up the severn bridge. We broke down on that one time and spent 3 hours there until Police rescued us.
What are your hobbies when you aren’t playing music?
Skate and bake. Well, Mason skates and the rest of us try to. Sometimes we like to scout out abandoned mental asylums.
What are your favorite movies?
I'm gonna get an answer from each member of the band.
Nathan: "Shaun of the dead, bro"
Mason: "Scary Movie"
Alex: "Disturbia"
Kyle: "I'm a boring fuck and I'm too cool to like things" (actual quote)
I'd say Spirited Away or Into The Wild.
How would you describe each member of the band personality wise? (weird, funny, awkward, nice, mean, grouchy,ect.)
We're all chill as hell except for Kyle, that guy sucks.
What are our favorite fast foods or any type of foods you guys like to eat?
I don't fuck with fast food all that much because I'm all about healthy eating an that but if I had to pick one, does Dominos count? Pretty sure the rest of the guys would say Dominos.
Anything else you would like to add or mention?
Listen to Slayer.
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