Monday, March 18, 2013

Interview with "For All Of This"

For All Of This is a Pop Punk band from South Jersey that formed in 2012. Check out their jams here I got the pleasure to interview Ed & Frank from the band.

 TIPPP: Who are your influences?

FAOT: I think that instrumentally our influences range from bands like Saves the Day, and New Found Glory, all the way to bands like Major League and I Call Fives. My personal influences for vocals/lyrics definitely come from The Story So Far and The Ghost Inside.

TIPPP: Are you guys on tour? If so with who? If not do you have any coming up and with who?

FAOT: We are not, but we were hoping to plan a weekend tour or two for the summer, but you can definitely expect one or two over the course of the coming winter, and we have a few bands in mind, but no one likes spoilers!

TIPPP: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?

FAOT:  Frank-We can all agree that our favorite thing about being in the band is the positive feedback from our fans, and seeing them know the words and singalong definitely is a great feeling. Our least favorite thing would probably have to be coming up with money for recording and our soon to come out merch. But we knew the deal when we signed up!
 Ed-My favorite part about the band is the women like me now!

TIPPP: Any music videos in the near future?

FAOT: Yes! Over the next month or so we're going to be getting live footage of our single From Here On Out! We're also filming some random adventures, so if fans are interested in being apart they just have to be in the right place at the right time.

TIPPP: How has the feedback been on the sampler?

FAOT: We've gotten a positive feedback so far! That being said, from us no two songs are alike. We're really trying to push the envelope and appeal to everyone, and hopefully when we finish recording in the next few months we'll get the same feedback on our debut EP.

TIPPP: How did you guys form?

FAOT: 3 of 5 of the members were previously together in another poppunk band. Something's went south, as can be expected from young local bands, and we connected the dots. We've all been friends for a pretty long time, now we're just doing what we love.

TIPPP: Anything else you want to share with everyone?

FAOT:I just want to reiterate to the fans that we have a few busy months coming up. Between finishing writing and recording our debut EP, we're also shooting live footage and sweet hang out seshs for a music video for our single From Here On Out, and ordering t-shirts very soon. We're really excited for everything the future will bring and hope you are too! You stay Sunny, America.

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