Monday, April 22, 2013

Interview with "Post Season"

Post Season is a Pop Punk band from Altoona, Pa that formed in 2012. Check out their jams at www. I got the pleasure to interview Jake from the band.

TIPPP: Who are your influences?

Post Season: I am musically influenced by rap, rock, pop, country, metal. Other than that I am influenced by all the great people and friends in my life.

TIPPP: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?

Post Season: My least favorite part about being in a band is that if I want to have relationships with girls they have to be long distance ones or one night stands and neither of those things are fun. Well one night stands are fun while they are happening afterwards you feel like a scum fuck. My favorite part of being in a band is playing live shows and meeting people at the shows. I am a giant attention whore so for me I just feel right when I am on stage.

TIPPP: When will new jams be out?

Post Season: We are recording a full length record next month and it will be out shortly after.

TIPPP: Any music videos in the near future?

Post Season: Yes we will definitely be putting out some music videos for the new record.

TIPPP: You guys on tour now? If so with who? If not do you have any coming up and with who?

Post Season: No we are not on tour right now. We are in the works of booking one details will be posted up soon!
TIPPP: How did you guys form?

Post Season: Altoona, Pa

TIPPP: Anything else you want to share  with everyone?

Post Season: Follow your dreams and don't settle for less you can do it. If no one else believes in you. I DO!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Interview with "Live The Story"

"Live The Story" is a Pop Punk band from Toronto, Canada that formed in 2010. Check out their jams here : I got the pleasure to interview Dave from the band.

TIPPP: Who are your influences?

LTS: Blink 182, Sum 41 and Green Day were definitely the top 3 most influential bands growing up. We all still to this day are influenced and inspired by so many different people and bands.

TIPPP: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?

LTS: My favorite things about being in a band has to be that I am doing what I love, with the people I love. Being in a band with your best friends, writing music, recording, touring ect.. is the best feeling  and I wouldn't trade it for the world. My least favorite thing is missing friends and family on long tours. <3

TIPPP: Are you guys on tour? If so with who? If not do you have any coming up and with who?

LTS: We just came off a 3 week tour with our friends from Winnipeg "Take Me To The Pilot" It was quite the adventure!

We do have upcoming tours planned and also in the works that can not be announced yet unfortunately. Keep an eye out for any announcements.

TIPPP: So you guys just released a new ep "The Overcoming" How has the feedback been on that?
LTS: The feed back for our new ep "The Overcoming" has been incredible. Our friends, families and fans have been so supportive and just absolutely amazing. Thank you all!

TIPPP: Any music videos in the near future?

LTS: There will definitely be some music videos coming in the near future. ;)

TIPPP: How did you guys form?

LTS: Live The Story formed in 2010. Joe and I have been playing music together since we were 12 years old. We had a vision of this band and snowballed from there. Nick was an old friend from high school and was ready and down to take on LTS in the early stages of this band. The rest is history!

TIPPP: Anything else you want to share with everyone?

LTS: Check out our Facebook for any details on anything coming up for us.
Thank you all for checking out this interview and checking us out!
I love and appreciate you all!

Interview with "A Southbound Romance"

"A Southbound Romance" is a Pop Punk band from Beaumont, Texas that formed in 2011. Check out their jams here : I got the pleasure to interview them.

TIPPP: Who are your influences?

A Southbound Romance: Our biggest influences would have to be Bands like Four Year Strong, A Day To Remember, Issues, Fall out Boy, and Panic at the Disco.

TIPPP: How did you guys come up with "A Southbound Romance"?

A Southbound Romance: A Southbound Romance is a name we came up with when we were trying to describe simply a bad romance or bad love life. A Southbound Romance is speaking about how you have just an overall bad relationship and turning to friends or family to help cope with it.

TIPPP: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?

A Southbound Romance: Favorite thing has to be writing music , and least favorite thing would have to be fixing said music it always takes the longest to make it perfect for us.

TIPPP: Any Music videos in the near future?

A Southbound Romance: No not until we build a larger fan base

TIPPP: How has the feedback been on the new single "How many Pop Punk kids It'd take to screw in a light bulb?

A Southbound Romance: Our new single has been very well received , tons of people are excited to the direction we are headed and it's only going to get better.

TIPPP: Ep or Full length in the near future?

A Southbound Romance: We plan to be recording an acoustic ep pretty soon that will be released for free, title and everything will be soon.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cross Town Train "Short Stories"

New Jersey Pop Punk band "Cross Town Train" will be releasing their new album "Short Stories"  April 9th. From the first track to the last track I was very impressed. There was not one bad track on this album, which honestly surprised me. A lot of albums you find your favorite tracks and then there is a few that you don't really like, well this album I don't think that will be the case for you. I think you will love every track. They do a really nice job of mixing pop punk with alternative rock. Overall I give this album an A+. Check out their other jams here.: