Saturday, April 13, 2013

Interview with "A Southbound Romance"

"A Southbound Romance" is a Pop Punk band from Beaumont, Texas that formed in 2011. Check out their jams here : I got the pleasure to interview them.

TIPPP: Who are your influences?

A Southbound Romance: Our biggest influences would have to be Bands like Four Year Strong, A Day To Remember, Issues, Fall out Boy, and Panic at the Disco.

TIPPP: How did you guys come up with "A Southbound Romance"?

A Southbound Romance: A Southbound Romance is a name we came up with when we were trying to describe simply a bad romance or bad love life. A Southbound Romance is speaking about how you have just an overall bad relationship and turning to friends or family to help cope with it.

TIPPP: What is your favorite and least favorite thing about being in a band?

A Southbound Romance: Favorite thing has to be writing music , and least favorite thing would have to be fixing said music it always takes the longest to make it perfect for us.

TIPPP: Any Music videos in the near future?

A Southbound Romance: No not until we build a larger fan base

TIPPP: How has the feedback been on the new single "How many Pop Punk kids It'd take to screw in a light bulb?

A Southbound Romance: Our new single has been very well received , tons of people are excited to the direction we are headed and it's only going to get better.

TIPPP: Ep or Full length in the near future?

A Southbound Romance: We plan to be recording an acoustic ep pretty soon that will be released for free, title and everything will be soon.

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