Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Second-Hand Hero - "Pictures" Album Review

          I recently got my hands on the new release "Pictures" by Berlin pop-core band Second-Hand Hero. And if pop-core wasn't a term before, it is now. The German quartet's 15 track full length packs a serious punch. I'll be honest and say this isn't normally what I'm in too, and after the first few songs I wasn't expecting to really get into it. But about halfway through, it struck a chord with me. It's like the old ADTR we all grew up on that still holds a place in our hearts.
           And boy, do these guys kill it. Unlike a lot of similar music in the scene today, the album has notable variety. No two songs are too alike, and as the cool jazz riff at the end of "Evacuation" establishes, there are no boundaries here. I dig this album a lot, it's actually one of my favorites I've reviewed so far, though if you initially described it to me I probably would not have been too stoked. Funny how that works.

  • Second-Hand Hero
  • Debut Full Length: Pictures
  • For Fans Of: City A Day To Remember, Four Year Strong
  • Favorite Track: Evacuation
  • 4.5/5 Stars

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Drop The Act - When The Going Gets Tough Review

       Drop The Acts debut EP, When The Going Gets Tough is not what you expect it to be. Weird, right? Well it is, but in an entirely positive way. I'm not completely sure what I expected going in, but this wasn't it. Hailing from my home state, Pennsylvania, this New Castle five piece is just different enough to really capture your attention. 

       I think it's the voice. Right from the beginning, it's what you'll notice. This cherubic melody of a voice is way off base for what you've come to expect from a pop punk band, but it's rad. The six track release flows very nicely and is soft, but upbeat. I can imagine the album being perfect to play at a pool party, or driving to the beach, or something fun and in need of some catchy music. The track "Sunsets In Silhouettes" can also work well for your summer romance. The acoustic-into-electric ballad is a heartfelt message to some lucky lady out there. All in all, this is a quality release, and definitely mixes up the stream of pop punk consistency. You're either going to love it or hate it, but at least give it the chance. 

  • Drop The Act (New Castle, PA)
  • Debut EP, When The Going Gets Tough
  • For Fans Of: City Lights, Handguns, State Champs, Mayday Parade
  • Favorite Track: Tattoos Gauges, and Ripped Jeans
  • 4/5 Stars

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Almighty Chicks From The Atlantic - Debut Album

          Back to Europe. I recently got my hands on the debut album of Almighty Chicks From The Atlantic. The group of 5 hails from Bordeaux, France and it pushing this album all over the world. I'll be the first to admit the music isn't exactly my forte, but there is no denying its ability to stick. The eleven song release combines the European trance phenomenon with traditional American pop punk. The first thing I thought of was playing and hanging out with Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! a few months back. The music is by no means bad, it just isn't something I'm in to, and I try to be as unbiased as possible in these write ups. 
        After seeing the turnout for that Chunk! show, I know there is a market for these guys. I'd fully recommend at least giving it a listen, maybe you're into it and you  never even knew. 

  • Almighty Chicks From The Atlantic (Bordeaux, France)
  • For fans of: Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, City Lights, Handguns, Hit The Lights
  • Debut Album
  • Favorite Track: Waiting Room
  • 3 Stars

Monday, April 7, 2014

Review: On Call Heroes - "I'm An Adult"


       First off, I just want to start this review by saying that this release is banging. Really though, this is tight. On Call Heroes are releasing "I'm An Adult" on April 18, and if I didn't already have it, I'd be pretty damn excited. The Canadian five-piece have a handful of prior releases, but they really stepped up the game with this.
       Hindsight is 20/20, and it seems like OCH have figured that out. The EP is a look back on should-haves and would-haves, but also a step in finding closure. The band touches on some familiar topics; friends, family, relationships, and the parts of life that force you to make choices. It may be the same subjects you've heard before, but the presentation is something you can't help but appreciate. With a wide variety of parts, from gang chants to heart felt melodies, there's a song for most whatever you're feeling.

     "I'm An Adult" can be pre-ordered for only $5 on the groups bandcamp, and comes out April 18.

  • On Call Heroes (British Columbia, Canada)
  • For fans of: Mayday Parade, Neck Deep, Blink182, The Starting Line, Say Anything
  • Latest EP, "I'm An Adult"
  • Favorite Track: It's Because I Got Fat, Isn't It?
  • 4.5 Stars